Our mission to space was exhausting. We needed to take a few days to get our bearings, but things over at SAC HQ were still firing full-steam ahead (per usual). We decided to do something we don't normally do. We handed over the keys to our two young ones, artist Sofia Heftersmith, and our trusty protege, Chooch.
We didn't know what they were up to, and frankly, didn't really need to know. We trust them - but I would be lying if I said that I didn't raise my eyebrows when I was getting sent photos of a single red bulb stapled to the corner ceiling of the ceiling, a single camera and a chair.
It looked like there was some Guantanamo Bay shit about to go down - which we typically don’t condone (but if that PPD Loan comes in, our stance may be flexible @USTreasury, @CIA, @IRS - just sayin’).
There was a few days of radio silence between us, Chooch and Sofia. We thought we’d never see them again, until the interview was delivered. Turns out, the two would up just rapping it out for a few hours, walking around the neighborhood and talking about Sofia’s artwork, her creative process, life and show Proof of Life On Earth.
They cut it down to about 7mins of sense and nonsense. If you have a sec, take some time to listen to the young cat with an old soul talk about how she navigates the world, her world, the art world and her favorite conspiracy theories.